My Computer Engineering Master’s Degree Process

Okan Davut
3 min readAug 1, 2021


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2 years before I had to go military service. Because when you came in 20 years old in Turkey you have to go. If you are in university it's being 23–24. But i was working in a big company. And I didn’t want to spend my 6 months in military service because it was my highest productive years.

Because of this me and my friend registered for the Dokuz Eylul University Computer Engineering Master’s Degree exam. After quiz and interview, we were accepted.

First time when i started, I wasn’t thinking to finish my Master’s Degree. Because I just wanted to delay military service for 2–3 years. After the first semester and I gave all lessons easily then I started thinking about, maybe I can finish. Because having a master’s degree was really important for my career.

Then, when we came to end of 2 years I gave all lessons but i haven’t started to thesis yet. Because my topic was really hard and it was about AI and Cloud. We talked with my supervisor Dr. Ozlem Aktas and she told me we can change topic of thesis. But it would extend my master’s degree half year. I decided choose topic about my field (Web Frontend Development). I chose the topic “Evaluating and Improving Performance of Web Applications”.

It was a really important topic and in the academic field, I couldn’t find too many studies about web performance. The web field is a topic that changes every day. So I planned my study to explaining web performance with the newest technologies. Also when I checked the studies I saw they didn’t have backend and frontend separation.

After the planning step, writing the thesis is the hardest part of a Master’s Degree. When i start writing, i didn’t plan how will i write? I didn’t make any research about existing studies. After going on like this for a while I thought if I don’t plan to work on my thesis daily I couldn’t finish.

So I made a plan to finish one title or subtitle every day. Also, we were in a pandemic and had a lockdown in Turkey. I know that’s a bad situation but lockdowns supported me to finish the thesis. I wrote almost all the texts in my thesis myself. In this way, my thesis similarity rate was under the %5.

I think if you don’t plan like writing one section or title in a day or more days you can’t finish. Because the thesis is not something like a blog post. You can’t say I will finish 3 sections this weekend. Like I said this is my idea. Maybe it doesn’t work for you.

So when I finished the thesis I was feeling really awesome. I had 1–2 more steps. The first step was thesis control by the university. I sent my thesis and similarity rate document to the institute.They sent me back with 40 editings item.

All universities have a different format of thesis. You need to write your thesis according to this format. And i realized that i didn’t pay attention on this format.So in 2 weeks, i solved problems about thesis format then control unit sent me back to with new editings. After 3 weeks all control was over. And i submitted my thesis to institue. And my thesis defence exam was planned for 29 July. I know it had too much steps. Like i said this is not the easy process.

When we came to 29 July. I made my presentation and answered questions from jury members. Then they announced the result that i completed successfully. In first hours i didn’t realize i completed my master’s degree. Its really different feeling. Because i spent too much time for this and i made it!

So my friends, family and people around me sent me really good wishes and congrats messages. Thanks all the great people around me. I could complete with their help.

With this article i just wanted to take a note for myself about my feelings and master’s degree process. Maybe people who want to make master’s can get reference my experience with this process. Hope it’s helpful. See you in next article.

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